Do NOT Plagiarize!


Do NOT Plagiarize.

You’re probably reading this and thinking why is this even being written.

It still happens.

My first semester I was one of the youngest in the apartment and my roommate who was a senior and supposed to graduate that semester ended up plagiarizing her final assignment. The teacher caught that fact and failed her assignment which was 50% of her grade.

She didn’t graduate that semester she ended up deferring for a year because she was so mad at the professor for failing her. She honestly didn’t believe that she had plagiarized.

So what is plagiarism?

Simple answer is that it is copying someone else’s work and using it as your own. If you’re quoting someone GIVE THEM CREDIT. Don’t let a simple mistake of forgetting to give someone credit keep you from passing a class and sometimes even graduating.

Plagiarism still happens and it is sad.

As we get to the end of the semester

Don’t quit!

Keep holding on!

You can make it!

There’s only a month left!

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