Have You Gained Your Freshman 15?


Have you gained your freshman 15?

This is something that can be helped. My freshman year I actually lost weight instead of gaining. So how is this possible?

At BYU-Idaho the walk from lower campus to upper campus is about 20 minutes. My freshman year I was an English education major and the education building is the Hinckley which is upper campus. I lived in the Carriage House apartments which is lower campus. I was walking up hill every day for 6 months.

It was funny because I feel like all I ever did was eat, but I kept having people tell me that I was getting skinnier.

When I moved out of Carriage House, I moved to NorthPoint and my classes were in the Spori (which is only a 7 minute walk). I started going to the gym and working out for a half hour every day.

So my advice to you:

If you don’t want to gain that freshman 15, live at the opposite end of campus from where your classes are. Go to the school gym (it’s free!) On weekends get out of the apartments and do things. During the fall and spring semester there are so many things available. Live in an apartment complex that offers a gym.

Losing weight isn’t just exercising, it’s also eating correctly. Make sure that you’re eating the correct portions of everything.

Do these things and it will be difficult to gain that freshman 15.

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